Give Yourself A Midlife Confidence Boost
10 Tips To Boost Your Confidence In Midlife
There’s no doubt that for some of us, midlife can bring with it feelings and emotions that leave us questioning ourselves, feeling less than, and wondering whether the best years are behind us.
If this is the case, you maybe experiencing a lack of confidence, low self esteem, or even fear about the future. Take some time to pause, and consider all the amazing things you have experienced so far on this journey of life. The incredible things your body is continually doing to allow you to function and go about your day. Remind yourself of all the wonderful experiences that are waiting for you in this next phase of life.
Whilst we can feel surrounded with messages of anti aging, that somehow we must not age, or that aging is a bad thing, then it’s hardly surprising that our confidence can take a hit as we begin to see and feel physical, mental and emotional changes occurring during midlife.
Instead, refocus your attention on healthy aging, aging well and taking care of your physical, mental and emotional wellness. It’s possible to invite vibrancy and joy back into our lives. We can do this by directing our attention to supporting our wellness, this is a message to ourselves that we are taking control of our day to day living and this can boost our confidence.
Midlife comes with its own unique challenges, we have met many challenges before and we can rise to this one too. In choosing to see midlife as an opportunity for change and growth it can be an exciting and rewarding time. We have gained incredible wisdom and experience that we can share with others and that can help us find purpose and confidence in our daily lives.
In order to be able to show up as our best possible version of ourselves we need to prioritise our self care and support our needs.
Try theses 10 tips to boost your confidence and prioritise your self care.
Self Acceptance accept the natural process of change. Your body is amazing , think of all its helped you achieve and all you still want to achieve. Get curious on how you can support your physical, mental and emotional body through the changes in midlife, this requires getting to know yourself very well. Yoga can be a transformative practice in helping us tune in and listen to our bodies, it helps us quieten the negative chatter and release self judgement. Developing a regular journaling and meditation practice can help develop self reflection skills and increase self awareness.
Changing negative self talk. Words hold immense power. They can either uplift us or tear us down. Notice your inner critic. Midlife is a time when many women reassess their goals, values and purpose. Negative self talk reinforces limiting beliefs making it harder to embrace new opportunities and get out of comfort zones. Your voice is your most powerful teacher. Sending the brain self-sabotaging messages repeatedly reinforces neural pathways, reinforcing those negative beliefs. So we must change the narrative. Using positive affirmations is a tool that can help stop the negative loops we find ourselves in. Catch yourself every time you hear a negative thought. Simply interrupt the thought and rephrase it into something positive.
Self compassion Nurture your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. This comes down to cultivating self love and self compassion, allowing you to feel connected to yourself, this will have a ripple effect on how you show up for others. In her book The High Five Habit, Mel Robins describes her morning routine where she greets herself in the bathroom mirror with a high five. This is a strong signal that you approve of yourself and that you are worthy of self love. Mel explains the the High Five Habit here
Find ways to relieve Stress and Anxiety Midlife can be accompanied by an increase in stress hormones and often heightened responsibilities, such as caring for aging parents or managing empty nests and busy careers. Developing some strategies to regularly relieve stress and anxiety is important to stay healthy. Prolonged periods of stress can negatively affect the body and compromise our immune system. There are many simple and effective techniques and practices that can help relieve stress and anxiety, find one that works for you and do it consistently. Check out my earlier blog where I suggest ways to manage stress A favourite way I manage my stress is through a regular Yoga Nidra practice, this resets the nervous system and allows deep rest and relaxation, try this grounding yoga nidra next time you need to relax and unwind
Manage stress through spending time in nature, doing yoga, meditation, practicing gratitude and journaling on a daily basis are all proven strategies that can help. Try carving out some time and create a short manageable daily routine to help you feel your best.
Connect with like-minded people. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community of like-minded people can make a world of difference. Seek out yoga classes, workshops, or women’s circles where you can share experiences, insights, and laughter. Connect with others who understand and empathize with the challenges and joys of this stage of life. Together, you can uplift and inspire each other on your wellness journeys.
Celebrate your resilience and wisdom gained from past experiences. Embrace self-care practices, such as meditation, gentle yoga, or journaling, that provide a nurturing space for self-reflection and self-acceptance.
Make time to Be intentional Get specific on how you envision this next phase of your life. Write down goals you are setting and take small steps that will to get you closer to them.
Get out of your comfort zone Trying new things that can feel a little uncomfortable are great for building confidence. Challenge yourself to try something that feels outside of your comfort zone. If you’ve never travelled on your own, you could start planning a solo trip. Taking a solo trip is a great way to boost your self confidence.
Do something that brings you joy everyday, no matter how small. By doing this you send yourself a strong message that you matter.
Midlife is a time for self-discovery, growth, and embracing new possibilities. Cultivating self-compassion, practicing positive affirmations, and seeking support from loved ones or professionals can help counteract negative self-talk and promote a healthier, happier and fulfilling midlife experience.