Autumn the season of letting go

Letting Go Through Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, and Sound Healing

There’s a crispness in the air these past weeks, and here in Norway signs of autumn fill the senses.

As Autumn arrives with all its breath taking beauty, it’s a reminder of the beauty in release. As the trees release their leaves and the daylight gives way to growing hours of darkness, nature prepares for a season of rest with a beautiful burst of colour. We too can release old habits, thought patterns and energy in order to make space for something new.

As we pass autumn equinox there’s an opportunity to explore the idea of balance, we pass the tipping point and as the nights  get longer and the light a little darker, nature quietly reminds us that balance is not about everything being equal, but rather about creating space for what needs to come in.

My personal practice follows the cycles of the seasons, its what makes sense to me, taking my cue from nature and our natural world is a way to manage routines and rhythms throughout the year and to find balance through the changes in the year.

How do we find balance as the seasons change?

Balance does not require everything to be in perfect harmony, we don’t need to split our time, energy, and attention equally between all aspects of our lives. Real balance, like the shifts we observe in nature, is fluid. Autumn is a perfect reflection of this. After the high energy of summer, with its long days, we now move toward a season of longer nights and growing darkness. It’s not about maintaining equal amounts of light and dark but about allowing one to make space for the other.

In our daily lives, finding balance can mean that we need to let go of certain things, old habits, limiting beliefs, or emotional baggage, to allow space for new energy and intentions. Just as nature transitions from the full bloom of summer into the more reflective quiet of winter, we can find peace in slowing down, releasing what is no longer needed, and preparing ourselves for the more introspective season ahead.

Finding Balance in Yoga

Autumn is the ideal time to slow down and practice grounding postures, longer holds, and deep stretches that allow us to shed physical tension and create space in the body. Rather than pushing ourselves with vigorous flows, we enjoy a slower pace, listening to what our bodies and minds need.

These  yoga poses feature heavily in my autumn practice, give them a try during these autumn days

Tree Pose (Vrksasana) To get grounded.

This standing balance pose is a beautiful metaphor for autumn. Like the trees that let go of their leaves but stand strong and grounded, we too can release while staying rooted.

Forward Folds to release tension and let go, Postures like Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold) or Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Fold) encourage introspection and the release of unwanted thoughts.

Yin Yoga and Longer Holds: Slower, longer held poses allow for deeper release, giving the muscles and connective tissues time to soften and unwind and our attention to turn inwards.

Meditation for Letting Go

Just as the days grow shorter and the light makes way for more darkness, meditation allows us to create  inner space. We can use meditation to bring awareness to what we’re holding onto whether it’s physical tension, emotional burdens, or mental patterns. The practice of meditation allows us to observe these attachments and gently release them, creating more room for peace and clarity.

A practice I love for autumn is breath-focused meditation, where each exhale becomes a conscious act of letting go. Visualize yourself releasing old energy, past hurts, or patterns that no longer serve you, like leaves falling from a tree.

The process of shedding isn’t always easy, but it’s necessary for growth. Just as the daylight diminishes to make room for the longer nights of winter, we must release to create balance in our inner world.

Reiki and the Energy of Release

The autumn season is an invitation to clear and balance our energetic bodies. Reiki works to remove blockages in our energy flow, which can accumulate over time and weigh us down. Just as the trees shed their leaves to conserve energy for the winter months, we can use Reiki to shed old energies and align ourselves with the natural rhythms of nature.

During autumn, a focus on the heart and throat chakras can help release emotional blocks and allow us to express ourselves more clearly. The heart chakra is often where we hold onto grief or unresolved emotions, and by clearing this space, we make room for forgiveness, compassion, and love. The throat chakra, helps us to communicate our needs and desires

It’s important to remember that even though we may set an intention for our reiki practice, reiki will always go where it is most needed and for our hightest good.

 Sound Healing and Yoga Nidra for Deep Release

Both of these practices work on deep, subconscious levels to facilitate profound release and relaxation.

Sound healing, through the use of singing bowls, chimes, and other vibrational instruments, helps to break up stagnant energy and promote balance within the body’s energetic system.

Yoga nidra, sometimes referred to as yogic sleep, guides you into a deep state of conscious relaxation. It’s a practice that invites you to rest, release, and renew. By combining sound healing and yoga nidra, we can release on both a physical and energetic level, creating a profound sense of balance and renewal.

Why not try adding a daily/weekly Yoga Nidra throughout the season and notice any mental clarity and physical rejuvenation you feel after the Nidra. You can find to one of my yoga nidras here

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Check out my in person yoga classes which have a holistic approach to yoga and up coming reiki and wheel of the year offerings in and around Oslo and Bærum by following the link here

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