5 Ways To Stay Feeling Balanced and Invite In Abundance This Autumn

As the high energy of summer naturally fades towards a more even pace of life, it’s worth taking note of the balance autumn brings. It’s a beautiful time of the year with nature looking and feeling abundant. The gorgeous colours in nature, the gentle sun, trees effortlessly shedding their vibrant leaves, and the slightly longer evenings that invite us to slow down just a touch.

For those of us living in the northern hemisphere Autumn can begin to trigger a feeling of reluctance as we try and hold on to summer as we sense the approach of the darker days winter brings.  If you find yourself wishing it was still summer, Instead of letting our thoughts rush ahead, we can use this opportunity to stay fully present in all that autumn has to offer.

As the mid way point between summer and winter, autumn brings harmony and balance with it and this is something we can mirror in our lives by making small changes in our daily rituals and routines. Each season has a way of preparing us for the next. By slowing down and turning inwards we lay the foundations for a healthy and happy winter.

With each season I take time to adjust my daily rituals to allow my mind, body and soul to feel balanced and nurtured.

Here are the ways I invite in the energy of autumn to allow myself harmony and ease.

  • I reflect on what I have achieved so far in the year and celebrate my successes, celebrating those who have supported me. Feeling grateful and abundant for all the little wins leads to greater happiness and motivation.
  • I set intentions for the coming season, both personal intentions and professional intentions as both areas need to be balanced. I invite in growth and keep taking steps towards my goals. I consider, are my actions aligned with my goals? After all intention without action or with misaligned action will not get me there.
  • I make small changed to my diet, changing some of my daily salads for warming, nourishing vegetable soups, recognising the abundance of vegetables at this time of year. Each season has a predominant energy so staying in sync with nature this way can help you stay healthy and happy.
  • My self care practise becomes more nurturing and less intense, with daily self reiki sessions to balance mind, body and spirit. My yoga asana practice includes more steady, grounding flows that encourage ease and balance in the body.
  • I try and take my walks in nature in daylight hours even if that means changing the order of my day. Here in Norway with the ever shortening days getting some outdoor daylight hours keeps my vitamin D levels higher for longer preparing for the winter months to come.

If you are interested to try a new yoga class or experience a distance reiki session check out my offerings with the link below.